Thursday, April 16, 2009

Laughing at my moments!

The moment is here & now, yet sometimes I look back & forth...... The mind is operating in cycles, but deep down there is another communication happening that does not have a voice & is pure love whispering so gently, so innately that I sometimes ignore it. Only sometimes... :-)

This is such an amazing moment - I watch in excitement at the gentle steps elevating me onward...... though sometimes I humanly trip on the path, I consciously get back up again with a smile & a laugh (I love laughing at my moments!!) to gratefully move on again. I so enjoy my space..... & as a mother & a new wife these times can be few & far between....... so I embrace these moments also & see the sacred within them. There is an eagerness within me to get to the 'finish line' to see what is the big surprize, in the box at the party (my inner child giggles!! ;-) but the wise old one gently rubs my back with a warm, knowing smile to calm me down & reassure me, 'All will be revealed, little one, when the time is ripe'.

My experience at the moment is to lovingly look around me & see the human angels that are holding out their hands & want to walk in unity..... so to all those with hands outstretched, I do see you & my hand is stretching out to embrace yours...... let's walk into the sunrise together & greet this new dawn with pure joy!

I have enjoyed playing & creating this first ever blog....... hopefully it will actually go to air!! :-)

Love to all around me; love to the air we breath, the trees we hug, the sky we merge with & the fire that ignites our passion,
In Lak'ech my dear beloved brothers & sister,
Liz xo